Monday morning one of my sorority sisters lost her battle with Melanoma and passed away. Farrah was only 32 years old and had two boys, ages 3 & 5. She is greatly missed and my prayers are with her family right now.
Today my heart is heavy. We will be attending the visitation and funeral this evening. I look forward to spending time with a lot of girls that I haven't seen in a while, but not under these circumstances. Farrah was also an ADPi advisor with me now. She was our Standards advisor and I am the Faculty advisor for our current ADPi chapter at EKU.
This has also got me thinking about my college sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, a lot here lately. I'm so thankful for the friendships I made and for ADPi in my life.
My sisters that are on Facebook have all set their profile picture to a violet. Since I refuse to participate in Facebook, I will post my violet for Farrah here.

We Live For Each Other.
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