Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's Like Riding a Bike

Look what I got yesterday!

Doesn't Shari look so much happier taking it for a spin? And she is still in work clothes!

I was really on it for like 7 minutes and I'm SORE today! No lie.

It kicked my butt! Literally. Seriously.

All my family and friends are laughing at the thought of me riding a bicycle!

Ha! Me too!

The tags are still on it because I haven't decided if I want to keep it yet.


  1. I really enjoyed watching you PhotoShop your ponytail out of that picture.

  2. Oh my! I am so excited for you... I am ashamed to say my bike is (hopefully!) still locked up outside of Burnam. I keep meaning to get it back...

  3. I like it. You should keep it.
