First of all, I made these adorable dresses for my niece Lilly. They're a little big right now, but will be perfect for her before summer.
I made these cupcakes for Valentine's Day for everyone in the office. They were pretty good. (Bragging just a litte :)) Red Velvet with Buttercream Icing!
Lastly, two adorable homemade valentines from great friends at work! Thanks! You make my days better!
Ok...that's all for now. Have a nice Monday!
Love the dresses you made for your niece, the polka dots are my fave!!
ReplyDeleteRed Velvet Cupcakes!! Yummy!!
And you neclace is too cute. What a great Mom you must have.
Love the heart pin with buttons too cute and oh so creative.
I'm famous! Woo!
You make my heart smile. Really.
We need to use the button maker soon!