I couldn't go back to sleep this morning, but then I took a nap and slept until noon! How nice!

Because my driveway is a hill that goes around back, on nights that we might get bad weather, I have to park on the street in front of the mailboxes. This makes the mailman very angry and thus he won't stop to get out of the mail truck to deliver our mail. I quickly threw on my coat and slippers and, get this, chased him down in the pouring icy mix. I had to see what mail I had today. And guess what!!! More fabric squares.

Thank you Leanne, Carolyn, and LouEllen!!!
LouEllen included the sweetest little letter with her fabric, which included a picture of her with her grandson. I just loved it!
Oh no! Just got a text message that there is no power in parts of Berea! I hope I keep mine!!! Say a prayer for me!