Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shrinking hands phenomenon

This is my best friend Shari.

She is positive her hands have shrank! ??

I have had to hear about this strange phenomenon for 2 days now!

She is so funny!

Shari and I had a wonderful evening yesterday. I made homemade guacamole, tacos, and the best little smores desserts ever. My friend JKCuddles let me borrow this book where I got the smores recipe. I love the whole book! We watched American Idol and The Biggest Loser.

BTW, I'm so upset that Kristen went home last night on the The Biggest Loser!!! She was my favorite and I really wanted her to win! Boo!

Isn't it odd that I always pig out while watching a weight lose show! Shows you my mentality! No wonder I look the way I do!!

Great Evening!


  1. OMG, I really do think Shari's hands are shrinking...I just never wanted to tell her. That way she wouldn't be paranoid!

    I am glad you liked the book!

  2. Oi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer um pouco a respeito do Brasil. Abração

  3. lol that is so funny about the shrinking hands!! I think you should totally open up a bakery shop (I think it's fate since I mentioned it and you really want to open one up!) =) I can see it now! You would have it decorated so cute!

    I wished you lived closer so we could go antique shopping together! I love going and looking for treasures. I usually drag Calvin with me and he has finished looking at the whole entire store in less than five minutes haha.
