I think I'm going to have Empty Nest Syndrome!!!!
Here she is giving my mom high fives for a treat.
She nurses her babies. It's soooo strange and makes me gag a little to watch her. But she is really cute. And no she wasn't taken from her mom to soon!
This nest is in the corner of our porch.
I was over the moon Saturday morning when I walked outside and heard little chirps!
We've worked for months on getting this concert together. We sold out weeks ago! I sold 910 tickets from my desk in 3 days! I've also had my refrigerator stuffed full with items for their buses. Part of our contract says that we must provide specific items for their hospitality room and for restocking their buses. I've not been able to squeeze one more item in my frig. I'll be happy when all that's gone.
Maybe I'll have some good pictures to post tomorrow!
For now, here's what the STAFF T-shirts look like which I'm wearing today. Man, I love wearing T-shirts to work!
Hope you have a ROCKIN day too!
She is so funny!
Shari and I had a wonderful evening yesterday. I made homemade guacamole, tacos, and the best little smores desserts ever. My friend JKCuddles let me borrow this book where I got the smores recipe. I love the whole book! We watched American Idol and The Biggest Loser.
BTW, I'm so upset that Kristen went home last night on the The Biggest Loser!!! She was my favorite and I really wanted her to win! Boo!
Isn't it odd that I always pig out while watching a weight lose show! Shows you my mentality! No wonder I look the way I do!!
I have the best co-workers and friends!!!
Check out that homemade birthday banner that JKCuddles made for me!!! Is she crafty or what?? Well, also very thoughtful. She also got me a Hobby Lobby gift card and cupcakes. Watch out Hobby Lobby...here comes Kristen!! :)
I loved my gift from Sara. Look at this adorable bowl of goodies!