Just some pictures from Mother's Day that I've been meaning to post. I hate this picture of me. I looked cross-eyed or neck-less or maybe just dorky. This is my mom, me, and my granny.

I got these cute measuring cups for each of them from Pier 1. They look like teacups, but are actually 1/4 - 1 cup.

Of course, I didn't get any pictures of the 1 million pieces of homemade "Cranberry and Macadamia Nut Biscotti" that I made them. (and may I add... drizzled with White Chocolate) I'm not bragging or anything, but everyone loved them and have requested more. Maybe I'll get pictures because I'm making more for my husband's grandmother tonight. She knows how to make a girl feel good...request more of something I've made for her. :)
I swear, I know I'm a little bias, but do I not have the cutest mom and granny ever? They are so pretty and neither one looks their real age. They might kill me, but can you believe my mom is 51 and my granny is 71! Don't they look amazing! My mom runs in a different 5K every single weekend!
Now that I'm talking about it (mom, please forgive me) I felt that I needed to show some more pics of my mom. She has never had any face lifts, collagen, lipo, or any other surgeries of any kind. (I know people must think that sometimes.)
This is my beautiful mom...

No she doesn't wear fanny packs usually. She must have thought it would be ok since we were at the beach. Not ok.

No, she isn't crazy. This picture was from Halloween. She was a queen or princess or something.
I told you so.
Sorry to brag, but I'm so proud that she is my mom and really is my best friend. She is one of these women that is down-to-earth, and yet so elegant and poised. She's so funny and witty. She is so much more intelligent and talented that what she will give herself credit for.
She is such a wonderful woman and I still want to be just like her when I grow up.